Perl |标量上下文敏感性
简介: 在 Perl 中,函数调用、术语和语句具有依赖于其上下文的不一致的解释。Perl 中有两个至关重要的上下文,即列表上下文和标量上下文。在列表上下文中,Perl 给出了元素列表。但是在标量上下文中,它返回数组中元素的数量。当一个操作符在标量上运行时,它被称为标量上下文。 注:
- 每当你给标量变量赋值时,它总是给出标量上下文。
- 在这种情况下,推定是为了获得一个单一的价值。
- 如果将数组赋给标量变量,它将返回其大小。
Creating a Scalar Context
Assignment to a Scalar variable: Example:
perl $x = @z;
perl $x = localtime();
perl $x = Scalar;
在这里,localtime()以人类可读的格式显示时间,而在 List Context 中,这个函数显示时间的数字描述。
Assignment to a single element of an array: Example:
perl $a[2] = Scalar;
创建标量上下文的数值运算符: 示例:
3 + Scalar;
Scalar + 3;
Concatenation creating Scalar Context: Example:
perl "GFG" . Scalar;
perl Scalar . "GFG"
# Perl program of creating Scalar Context
# array of elements
my @CS = ('geeks', 'for', 'geeks', 'articles');
# Assignment to a Scalar variable
my $x = @CS;
# Assignment of a function
# to a Scalar variable
# Note: Time displayed here
# will be the GMT
my $y = localtime();
# Numerical operator creating
# Scalar Context
my $z = 3 + @CS;
# Displays number of elements
# in an Array
print "$x\n";
# Displays time stored in array
# in human readable format
print "$y\n";
# Displays sum of a number
# and Scalar
print "$z\n";
# Concatenation creating
# Scalar Context
print "The number of elements are: " . @CS
Wed Mar 27 07:01:56 2019
The number of elements are: 4
Forcing Scalar Context
当 Perl 假定一个列表时,必须要求强制标量上下文。因此,在这种情况下,您可以使用标量()函数,该函数生成标量上下文,因为该函数通知 Perl 为其参数赋予标量上下文。 例:
# Perl program of Forcing Scalar Context
# array of elements
my @x = ('geeks', 'for', 'geeks');
# Forcing Scalar context to display
# number of elements in an Array
print scalar @x;
print "\n";
# Displaying time in human readable
# format by forcing Scalar Context
print scalar localtime();
Sun Mar 17 06:12:53 2019
Arrays in Scalar Context
为了使用数组激发标量上下文,需要将数组赋给标量变量。 例:
# Perl program of Arrays in Scalar Context
# array of elements
my @x = ('geeks', 'for', 'geeks');
# Assignment of an Array to
# a Scalar variable
my $y = @x;
# Displays number of elements in
# an Array
print $y;
Use of if-statement in Scalar Context
如果 if 语句的条件部分假定一个值,那么这个值就是标量上下文。在下面的程序中,if-语句包含数组,在标量上下文中,数组返回其中的元素数。因此,如果数组是空的,那么它将返回 0。因此,如果作为标量上下文传递给它的数组是空的,if-语句将不会执行。 节目 1:
# Program of if-statement in Scalar Context
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
# Array with no elements
my @w = ();
# Statement within 'if' will be executed
# only if the array is not empty
if (@w)
print "Geeks";
No Output
这里,没有打印任何内容,因为所述数组是空的。因此,代码不显示 if 语句的内容。
程序 2:
# Program of if-statement in Scalar Context
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
# An Array of elements
my @w = ('G', 'f', 'G');
# Statement within 'if' will be executed
# only if the array is not empty
if (@w)
print "There are some elements in the Array";
There are some elements in the Array
这里,上面陈述的数组不是空的,所以打印 if 语句的内容。
Reading in SCALAR Context
为了将读线运算符(即<【STDIN】>)置于标量上下文中,需要将该运算符指定给标量变量。 例:
# Program to Read input from user
use strict;
use 5.010;
# Asking the user to provide input
print "Enter your name:\n";
# Getting input from user
my $y = <STDIN>;
# Printing the required output
print "My name is $y\n";